Monday, April 27, 2009

Day 16 "Think Eternally, Act Daily"

As we read in Proverbs 29:18, "Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he. "

Where there is no eternal perspective it is easy to get caught up in the world and lose track of the things that are most important. Remembering our purpose here in life and that each one of us is an eternal being helps us to see past life's trials and letdowns.

Task of the Day: Try to think of the eternal perspective in all that you do today. Whether it be at school, work or play.


  1. So I should see past the little Cade throwing shoes out of the shoe basket, or the children that aren't doing their simple chores as asked..or the less-than-their-best grades, or the giant hole in the backyard...or the fact that I can't get much done in a day..or that we won't ever be millionaires, even though that's what it will take to send everyone to college and on missions, and weddings and things?

    And someday, we won't be old and tired. And we will be as cute as we once were...and my 7-kid body will look more like 23? And our children will be happily on their way, and it will just be you and me again? That sounds nice.

    But if the after-life is anything resembling this life, we will still be working really hard.... doing things that hopefully matter sometime down the road.

    I love you...eternally.

    (Does this count as an apology?)

  2. I'll take it. Glad to see you made it home.
